Sunday, June 23, 2024

Thriving and growing

Wow. Fourteen years later and I'm finally ready to start blogging again! Welcome back, me. I'm not sure, with all that's changed in the last decade and a half, that this little blog will every pick up steam again - not being on Insta, FB, or X - but just wanted to share that we are alive and well! Veggie Baby is now 14, with Invisalign, a beautifully smart, creative brain, and still 100% vegan - the latter of her choosing! She even has her own website now ;) although it's an alien cat webcomic!
    She was joined at 4 1/2 yrs old by her sister, who is a ball of energy and fun. Veggie Baby #2 is a gymnast, swimmer, and loves to read and write. Also smart and a great friend, VB #2 is vegan since conception and still vegan by choice. 
    PLV Dad became vegan about a decade ago, after reading and seeing enough :) So much in our world has changed, and I get a kick out of revisiting this little blog and realizing just how much has changed in the vegan world. I can now get vegan donuts (though not the whole store's selection) at our local donut shop, as well as vegan cheese, egg, and meat galore at most any grocery store. It really is a vegan world in so many ways!
   But still, we have so far to go :) I hope that my little vegan family continues to make a positive impact on the world, the environment, animals' lives, and our health as we go forwards!
 Peace to you all.

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