OK, so this first dish, Jamaican Tempeh Tacos, from Vegetarian Times magazine (May, 2008) isn't very wintery with its pineapple, but the curry flavor and the sauteed greens (we opted for sauteed kale instead of fresh mustard greens) helped winter-ize it. I shouldn't say, "we," of course, as my husband refused to even taste this dish. Pineapple in a hot dish (actually added the pineapple - the recipe didn't call for it but I saw it in the magazine photo!) isn't his thing. More for me! - is what I always say ;) This was delicious and easy. Best of all, I was finally able to score some tempeh at our local Ukrop's grocery store! I haven't had tempeh in months....If you are new to vegetarianism or veganism, tempeh is a great food to try. It has a nice, firm texture and is very filling! Just make sure to simmer it for 10 minutes first, to remove the bitterness. It also opens up the "pores" in the tempeh and allows for greater flavor absorption (in my experience, anyway). Three and a half stars for this recipe. ***1/2 (out of four possible).
Here's the real winter dish: Beet, Barley and Black Soybean Soup, from Vegan with a Vengeance. Not my first pick from this cookbook, but I certainly wish I had made it sooner! I'm not a beet fan, having grown up on canned beets, microwaved with no flavor enhancers. But fresh beets simmered with other spices (the fresh dill and pumpernickel croutons are a must!) made this really tasty. We added some salt to the recipe and more black pepper, but this was a nice, hearty winter soup. Three stars *** (out of four).
And that's it for this week! I was busy with the grand re-opening of our library branch, so I was lucky to be able to make much at all! I did make the Walnut Chickpea Hummus, from Vegan A Go-Go!, but the gray color was not very photogenic. A good, three star *** rating, however, and wonderful flavor - it was like an Italian hummus, with the basil and walnuts. Very good!
I'm sooo ready for spring too after all the snow - finally!!
Lovely eats, as always!!
Mmm, everything looks so good!
I heard about the freak Virginia snow storm, but I was in Seattle when it happened. Wish I could have seen it!
I've got to look for the taco recipe NOW!!!
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